On February 25, 2022 at 11:00 in the hall named after N. Dauletova of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take place an evening meeting and presentation of the book "Oner kayigyndagy ekeu" with famous stage and film actors - Aidos and Zhibek Bektemir. 

Aidos Zhumadildaevich Bektemir is an actor of the Mukhtar Auezov Kazakh State Academic Drama Theatre, a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan, holder of the "Kurmet" Order. He was born in 1950 in Kargaly village, Shet District, Karaganda Region. In 1969 he graduated from the Republican Variety and Circus Studio as an "actor of speaking genre" and later from the Moscow Theatre School named after Schepkin. His wife Zhibek Bektemir is an honoured worker of Kazakhstan, holder of order "Kurmet", actress of Kazakh State Academic Theatre for Children and Youth named after G.Musrepov, was born on February 1, 1960 in the village of Ulgili of Zhetysay district of South Kazakhstan region.

In his book Aydos Bektemir tells about his life, the creative biography of the couple, the people with whom they worked and were friends, about family and, of course, about the art of theater. This type of art Bektemir family devoted most of his life. They gave the audience many bright roles and images.

The purpose of the event is to popularize the creativity of the actor of theater and cinema, to familiarize modern youth with cultural values, close acquaintance with the famous theatrical figures of Kazakhstan.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers: students and teachers of theatrical universities, actors, directors, theater critics, theater critics and everyone interested in theatrical art of Kazakhstan.

The event will be attended by famous artists, figures of culture and art, relatives, library staff, university and college students.