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The exhibition «Shegen Akhmetov-balalar adebiyetin atasy», dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the writer Shegen Akhmetov, was organized in the Hall of Periodicals.

Shegen Akhmetov was born in 1914 in the village of Koksaek, Tolebiysky district, South Kazakhstan region. He lost his parents early and was raised in an orphanage in Mankent. Participant of the Great Patriotic War, literary critic, writer, teacher, scientist, candidate of Philological sciences.

He is the author of children's stories: «Kiyn shaikastarda», «Gul baksha» (1956), «Oner mektebi» (1961), «Asyl soz oidan» (1977), plays – «Demalys», «Koyshy», «Enbek zhane mahabbat», colorful picture books. For many years he studied the history of Kazakh children's literature. He wrote a textbook and anthology of children's literature for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as «Adebiettik oku kitaby» for students of grades 6. His monographs were published: «Kenestik dauirge deyingi Kazakh balalar adebiyetin damu tarikhy», «Tugan adebiyet», «Kazakh balalar adebiyetin anthologiasy», «Octyabr revoluysyasyna  deyingi Kazakh balalar adebiyetinin osu zholdary» (1957), «Balalar adebietiin ocherki» (1960), «Kazak balalar adebieti tarikhynyn ocherki» (1965), «Kazakh sovet balalar adebieti», «Kazakh adebietiindegi onerli adamdar obrazy» (1971), «Aidarlynen ardagerleri» (1975), «Gulama galim zhane balalar adebieti» for schoolchildren, students, teachers and others.

Shegen Akhmetov has served in various fields of public education for almost 40 years. In his artistic and scientific works, he explored important issues of national education from various sides, especially the psychology of Kazakh children. He was awarded several orders and medals.

In 1956, Shegen Akhmetov published the first work «Kazakh balalar adebiyetinin anthologiasy». In 2004-2005, «Kazakh Balalar adebiyetinin anthologiasy» was supplemented and republished for the 90th anniversary of Shegen Akhmetov, due to significant changes in society and new requirements for literature.

The exhibition from the fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan presents books, materials and articles by Shegen Akhmetov and memoirs of poets-writers published on the pages of periodicals in different years.

We invite everyone to the exhibition!