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On April 25, 2024, the librarian of the World Literature Service of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kamiya Kadai took part in the international scientific and practical conference «International dialogue and mutual exchange of culture in the works of K.Sh.Hafizova», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the famous Kazakh scientist, famous orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Clara Shaisultanovna Hafizova.

The organizers of the event are the Center for the Rapprochement of International Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO under the leadership of poet, public figure Olazh Suleimenov and the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the conference is to exchange knowledge on international relations, including historical, cultural, socio-economic, interethnic and other ties in Central Asia and neighboring regions within the framework of the works of Clara Shaisultanovna Hafizova, analyze her contribution to Kazakh Sinology, identify prospects and ways of bringing cultures and peoples closer together based on intercultural and scientific dialogue.

At the event, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.N.Otarbayev gave a welcoming speech and congratulations on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev. Librarian of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kamiya Kadai made a presentation on «The works of the famous Sinologist K.Sh.Hafizova in the fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan». Also, reports were made by: Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.Ts Golovachev, Head of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan A.Khodjaev, Associate Professor of the University of Tokyo Jin Noda and many other leading orientalists of Kazakhstan and foreign countries (Japan, China, Russia, Uzbeksitan).

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