The catalogue of Kazakh books in Latin script (1928-1941). Part 1. / Compiled: N.Askarbekova, T. Zamzayeva.- Almaty: “Kazakhstanica” publishing house, 2007.-192 p., for the wide circle of readers.
The catalogue is one of the first works dedicated to the Kazakh book in Latin script from the fonds of the National library of the RK. The catalogue includes 2071 titles of books and reflects the peculiarities of the Kazakh book in Latin script: the new publishing and printing houses not previously mentioned in scientific literature, the creation of the book series and collections, the establishment of the Institute of chief editors and persons responsible for the printing process, the appearance of the artist-illustrators of books, the widening of the thematics of editions, the increase of circulations, the increase of editions of fiction, especially the translated one.
The catalogue of manuscript books in the Persian language: from the collection of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan / Compiled by S.Abdulloh, S.M.Bakyr Kamileddini.- Almaty: “Dyke Press” Publishing House, 2008.- 156 p.+ 88 pages more.
The given catalogue is the first systematized description of the manuscript books in the Persian language from the collection of the National library of the RK. The catalogue of the Persian manuscripts numbering 112 titles contains a brief description and scientific characteristics of each manuscript, an estimate of the historical and cultural significance of the most valuable items. The catalogue is designed for Oriental scientists and a wide circle of readers interested in the history of the manuscript books.