
February 23, 2018 national library of Kazakhstan and West Kazakhstan regional library for children and youth named Hamza Esenzhanov in the framework of implementation of the program article of the Leader of the nation N. Nazarbayev "a contribution to the future: the modernization of public consciousness" and the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the famous writer, laureate of the State prize of Kazakhstan Hamza Esenzhanov held the Republican online conference on the topic "AK III tarihin girlan Kalamger". 

  The meeting was opened by Deputy Director of the national Bank of Kazakhstan Ospanova B. K. She noted the contribution of the writer to the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
   The guests of honor of the conference were close relatives of the writer Hamza Esenzhanov - daughter-in-law of the writer, orientalist, translator from Arabic, Professor of Kazumoimya University. After Abylai Khan, candidate of philological Sciences Dean Anestesi, the nephew of the writer, doctor of biology, Professor, academician, head of the Department of ecology and Pochvovedenie of the Kazakh state University named after al-Farabi, Aitkozha Biglioli and specialists of the National library of the RK. 
   From the West Kazakhstan regional library at the meeting were: senior lecturer of the West Kazakhstan engineering and humanitarian Academy, historian Sailau Khamitovich Suleimenov, as well as specialists of the library, students of the West Kazakhstan engineering and humanitarian Academy and students of 6-7 grades of school №14. 
   During the online conference, close relatives of the writer shared memories of Hamza Esenzhanovna, introduced the audience to his biography, creative and social activities, and young readers of the Ural library read poems-dedications to the writer.