



Libraries Of Kazakhstan – 2017. Facts and figures: Information and analytical collection / national library of Kazakhstan; comp.: G. G. Iskakova, 
L. B. Abdrakhmanov, A. N. Shulembaeva; resp. ed. 
G. A. Makhanbetova.– Almaty, 2018.-70.

The analytical collection is based on the reports of public libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the electronic database "Libraries of Kazakhstan: facts and figures" for 2017, presented on the website ( National library of Kazakhstan. 
The publication is a collection of statistical and analytical materials on the state and development of library science in the National library of Kazakhstan, the National academic library in Astana and regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The appendices provide comparative tables of the main indicators of the state public libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2017.               
The collection is addressed to library workers, researchers, students of universities and colleges.

Kazakhstan kitaphanalary - 2016 years. Mletter. Sandar: Aparaty-sarapduli Gina / R Ulttyk kytapkhanasy; RT.: L. B. Blahnikova, G. G. Iskakova, A. N. Shulembaeva; hoopty ed: G. A. Mahanbetova.- Almaty, 2017.-71 b.: keste.

The analytical collection is based on the reports of the libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the electronic database "Libraries of Kazakhstan: facts and figures" for 2016, presented on the website ( National library of Kazakhstan. 
The publication is a collection of statistical and analytical materials on the state and development of library science in the regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The appendices provide comparative tables of the main indicators of the state public libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2016.                                               
The collection is addressed to library workers, researchers, students of universities and colleges.


In the magazine "Kitap&Kitaphana" you will find scientific, practical and analytical articles on the problems of book and library Affairs of the Republic in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

Topics of this publication: book and society, modern library, innovation, information and communication technologies, education and profession, children and reading, the world of bibliography, news-info. 
Dear colleagues! We invite You to take an active part in the issue of the journal, providing materials for publication: on a wide range of problems about the theory and history of library science, advanced achievements in this area that will be of interest not only to specialists of the book industry, but also to a wide range of readers.
We remind you that our magazine can be subscribed to the catalog "Eureka-Press". Subscription index: 74941.

Library business abroad - 2014 : collection of analytical and reference materials/ ROS. state b-ka, Otd. foreign library science and international. Bibl. connections; comp. SB. A. N. Goncharova.– Moscow: Pashkov house, 2015.– 200 p.

The collection consists of analytical reviews, abstracts of individual articles on the problems of modern library science. The materials included in the collection cover a wide range of topical problems of library business, successes and difficulties in the activities of foreign libraries, reflect the trends in the development of foreign library science in recent years. Chronological coverage included in the collection of materials is more than two decades: from 1991 to 2014. 
Publications that served as the basis for reviews and abstracts have a wide geography, including European countries, the US, Australia, China and South Korea. 
   The structure of the collection consists of four thematic sections: "library Management", "Copyright issues in the activities of libraries", "National libraries: achievements, problems, prospects", "Innovative technologies". 
The book will be of interest to librarians, library staff, teachers and students of specialized universities, academies of culture, as well as all those interested in the issues of modern library science.

Dvorkin Margarita Yakovlevna. Theory and history of librarianship : part 2 : selected article / M. J. Dvorkin / Russian state library.– Moscow: Pashkov house, 2015. 

Part 1.– 452 p. 
Part 2.– 463 p.

The book of selected works of the famous librarian, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, full member of the International Academy of Informatization M. Y. Dvorkina consists of two main parts. The first part of the collection "library science" presents the most significant works of the author on theoretical issues: object and subject of library science, library as a social institution, library values, library influence, traditions and innovations in libraries, problems of library activity and library profession. 
   The second part of the "History of librarianship" includes articles on the methodology and methodology of historical research, the history of Russian and Moscow libraries, as well as reports on scientific seminars on history. As an application, given "Chronological table on the history of library business in Russia." 
   The book is provided with chronological and thematic indexes of all publications of the author, as well as a list of works about M. Y. Dvorkina and her publications. The publication is intended for librarians and librarians, as well as students of professional educational institutions, may be of interest to cultural scientists and historians.

At the forefront of library innovation: a collection of materials of the all-Russian scientific practice. Conf. "Scientific and methodical activity of Russian libraries: actual problems of theory and practice" (Moscow, 23-24 Oct. 2014) / Russian state library ; the Center for research. problems of b-C development in inform. o-ve ; comp.: M. I. Akilina, I. P. Osipova.– Moscow: Pashkov house, 2015.– 316 p.

The collection, prepared by the specialists of the Center for the study of the problems of library development in the information society of the Russian state library, publishes articles by the heads of national, Federal and Central regional libraries on the problems of theory and practice of scientific and methodological activities, as well as regulatory documents of the relevant content. Such problems as: the essence, purpose and content of methodical activity in the library sphere; legal and economic bases of methodical work are considered; methodical work as a state and municipal service; methodical practice of universal state and municipal libraries; methodological support of libraries for children, youth and persons with disabilities; the use of new information technologies in scientific and methodological activities; features of the profession of a Methodist in the new information environment. 
The collection is intended for theorists and practitioners of library science, students and graduate students of special universities.


Semenovker, Boris Arievich. Bibliography through the ages and peoples = Bibliography through centuries and nations : proceedings in 2 hours / B. A. Semenovker / Russian state library.– Moscow : Pashkov house, 2015. 

Part 1.– 367 p. 
Part 2.– 335 p.

The book of the famous bibliographer, orientalist and byzantinist, doctor of pedagogical Sciences Boris Aryevich Semenovker, devoted to the history of bibliography, presents the results of studies of ancient Egyptian bibliographic texts, bibliographic culture of Mesopotamia, ancient Indian, Arab-Muslim bibliography, bibliography of Byzantium, national bibliography of Latin America. A number of articles reveal various theoretical aspects of bibliography. 
The collection is addressed to bibliographers, book experts, philologists, ethnographers, historians, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the corresponding profile, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the origins of world and Russian culture, history of book and library business.

Panova, Anastasia Yurievna. Volunteers in libraries / A. Yu. Panova, T. V. Pashkevich / Russian state library.– Moscow : Pashkov house, 2015.– 95 p.

The book describes the Russian and foreign experience of library volunteering, in particular, in the libraries of the UK, Germany, USA and other countries. The types of library and information activities in which volunteers are involved are considered. Of particular interest to readers will be a description of the actions and projects to promote the book in the libraries of Russia, in the implementation of which volunteers took part 
   Also here are the texts of documents on the organization of the volunteer movement (the draft Law "On volunteering (volunteering)", an explanatory note to this project, etc.)

The success of library marketing. Introducing new projects / Russian state library ; ed.-comp. L. N. Zaitsev.– Moscow: Pashkov house, 2015. 105 p.

The collection contains innovative projects of libraries participating in the annual IFLA competition for the international award in the field of library marketing. For 13 years, the competition has consistently set itself the task to stimulate the emergence of new ideas, to provide libraries with the opportunity to share successful experiences. The geography of participants is quite extensive, and their activity increases every year, and libraries of various types and types take part: public, University, rural, children. 
The book app contains all the necessary information for future participants, including the application form and Glossary, as well as the jury and the list of all winners.