«Алаш» қозғалысы: тарих және қазіргі заман: библиографиялық көрсеткіш = Движение «Алаш»: история и современность: библиографический указатель / Национальная библиотека РК; сост.: Д.А. Кыстаубаева, М. Окап; научный ред. С.А. Жусип, ред.: М.К. Абилова, А.Ш. Сайдембаева. – Алматы, 2017. – 367 с.
The manual is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the movement "Alash" and is supplemented by the publication of the index, published in 2005, the Bibliography is intended for scholars, historians, cultural workers, students and a wide circle of readers.
Жұбанова Ғазиза Ахметқызы: ұсыныстық библиографиялық көрсеткіш = Жубанова Газиза Ахметкызы: рекомендательный библиографический указатель / Национальная библиотека РК; сост.: Р.М. Абишева, Ш.Б. Усенбаева; ред.: А.Ш. Сайдембаева, А.Х. Юсупова. – Алматы, 2017. – 106 с. – На казахском, русском языках.
The index is devoted to the life and work of the composer, teacher, people's artist of the USSR and KazSSR, Professor Zhubanova Gaziza Akhmetovna.
The materials presented in the index cover the period from 1952 to 2015.
The bibliographic index is addressed to art critics, cultural workers, students and a wide range of readers.
Алихан Букейхан: библиографический указатель: в 2 ч. Ч. ІІ / Национальная библиотека РК; сост. Д.А. Кыстаубаева; науч. ред. С.А. Жусип; ред. А.Ш. Сайдембаева.– Алматы, 2017. – 219 с.
The bibliographic index is devoted to the life and work of the state and public figure, organizer and leader of the national democratic party "Alash", an outstanding scientist-encyclopedist Alikhan Nurmukhameduly bukeikhan, whose 150th anniversary was celebrated in 2016 within the framework of UNESCO. The materials presented in this index cover the period from 1889 to December 2016. The publication is addressed to scientists, researchers, historians, cultural workers, students and a wide range of readers.
Абсаттар кажы Дербисали – востоковед, муфтий, дипломат: библиографический указатель / Национальная библиотека РК; гл. ред. Ж.Т. Сейдуманов. – Алматы, 2017. – 86 с. – На казахском, русском языках.
The bibliographic index is devoted to the life and work of the orientalist, religious scholar, literature researcher, doctor of Philology Absattar kazhy Derbisali. The materials presented in the index cover the period from 1970 to September 2017. The publication is addressed to researchers, specialists of religion, historians and a wide range of readers.