From 2012 National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan at “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department was organized the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city.
The purpose for the opening of the Depositary is the formation and popularization of the fond of scientific works, researches of the Kazakhstani authors in the sphere of inter-ethnical and inter-confessional relations, and also the acquainting of the reader audience with the history and literature of different nationalities, living on the territory of Kazakhstan.
The Depositary is the constantly acting exhibition of literature in open access from the fonds of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the materials of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city.
The fond of the Depositary discloses the history, the processes of deportation, the modern life, develo0pment of spiritual culture and traditions of the separate people. The readers may become acquainted with the artistic works and creative activity of the well-known Kazakhstani writers such as A.Anastasyev, G.Belger, V.Vladimirov, D.Snegin, N.Chernova, I.Shevchenko, I.Shukhov, I.Shchegolikhin, A.Yanushkevich and others.