Uralsk 2002
The library capital of Kazakhstan
On June 25-27, 2002 there in Uralsk city will take place the republican conference named “Eurasianism – the integration of cultures and library resources”
The organizers:
The Ministry of culture, information and public concord of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee of culture of the MCIPC of the RK, the Akimat and the Regional department of culture of the Western-Kazakhstani region, the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library association of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The participants: the libraries of the Ministry of culture, information and public concord, the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from other libraries of Kazakhstan and the frontier regions of Russia.
The city of Uralsk as the library capital of 2002
was defined at the republican conference in Karaganda city for the implementation of a number innovational programmes and projects. Uralsk is one of the ancient cities of Kazakhstan, it possesses large natural resources, is the crossroad of the trade and transportation ways, the city which is truly the golden bridge between Europe and Asia.
The conference takes place in the year of the 130-th anniversary from the creation of the Western-Kazakhstani regional universal scientific library after Zh.Moldagaliyev, which preserved the unique fond of prerevolutionary editions, and also is the centre of complex inculcation of modern technologies in the Western-Kazakhstani region.
Participation in the conference will allow you
V to meet with the well-known politologists of the country;V become acquainted with the Conception of Eurasianism as an aspect of the library policy;
V determine priorities in the work with the multinational population of the republic;
The conference will make it possible to create the scientific-theoretical and practical base for the provision and improvement of library-informational servicing of the multicultural population of Kazakhstan.
Conference programme
The conference will traditionally take place in the form of a plenary session, sectional studies:
- In modern technologies in the work of the libraries;
- In problems of children’s and youth’s reading;
- Non-stop education of specialists of librarianship;
- The prospects of work with readers, who may have some handicaps in life activity.
The participants of the work of the sections will elaborate the Programmes of children’s and youth’s reading, the Programmes of qualification upgrading for librarians, the Programme of library servicing of users, who have handicaps in life activity. There will be carried out for you presentations of new CD-ROMs, library sites, there will be demonstrated the possiblities of the Electronic documents delivery service of the NLRK
There within the framework of the conference will be organized:
- The panel by the theme: “The basics of interaction and cooperation of the libraries of Eurasia”
- For the first time in the republic! The video-Internet session between the hee-s by the theme: “Hee – the basis for the development of the library profession”
- For the library heads! A working council with the participation of the Committee of culture of the MCIPC
- The book exhibition: “Libraries – the centre of dialogue of cultures in Eurasian space”
- The intellect-show of librarians of Russia and Kazakhstan for the title “Best librarian”
There have been announced competitions:
- For the best programme of participation in the world library movement “The world of possiblities @your library”;
- Scientific theses by the theme: “Eurasianism – as an aspect of library policy”;
- Of Kazakhstani editions in library study, bibliography and book-study.
There is proposed to the participants of the conference the cognitive-acquaintance tour around the library and historical places of Uralsk city.
The solemn ceremony of passing the relay-race to the next library capital of Kazakhstan in 2003.
We are sure that your participation will be very useful for the successful carrying out of the conference
Additional information is given at:
Almaty city Uralsk city
National library of the RK Western-Kazakhstani RUSL
e-mail: info@nlrk – the NLRK e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel: 62-98-48, 69-60-39 tel: 8-311-2 50-35-09
fax: 69-65-86 fax: 51-35-54