The Russian-Kazakhstani seminar-council
(December 6-7, 2002, Petropavlovsk city)
The international seminar-council by the theme “Eurasianism in the XXI century. East-West: the electronic cooperation of libraries” took place in Petropavlovsk city on December 6-7, 2002.
The purpose of the seminar – the creation of the joint electronic library of Russia and Kazakhstan.
There addressed the participants with a speech deputy Akim of the Northern-Kazakhstani region K.E.Esimkhanov. A very important moment in his speech was the expression of readiness of the administration and the organ of administration of culture in the region to support the Project and create favorable conditions for the integration of the library resources of Russia and Kazakhstan.
Berdigaliyeva R.A. (National library of the RK) made the report named “Russia-Kazakhstan – the XXI century: the formation of the common informational space”. She said, that the prospects of the cultural-spiritual integration of Russia and Kazakhstan are stipulated by the common geoethnical, historical, demographical conditions. This allows the libraries to implement their activity for the creation of conditions for the cultural exchange in the single space of Eurasia. The tendencies of integration of the libraries of Russia and Kazakhstan are laid in the Eurasian intiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are reflected in such a document like “the 10 simple steps towards rank-and-file people”, in the creation of the Eurasian economic community. There functions in the library space of the CIS the self-sufficient institution called the Library assembly of Eurasia. The united digital library will become the catalyst of innovational development of the common library space based upon the democratic and humanitarian principles, will be assisting to the formation of the tolerant environment of the contacting cultures, through which there is attained the universal, systemic and operative general accessibility of sceintific, cultural and historical information for the population of the two states.
Taking into account the positive attitude of the administration and department of culture of the region, Berdigaliyeva R.A. proposed to the Northern-Kazakhstani RUSL to become the first digital library from the Kazakhstani side which creates the joint Russian-Kazakhstani resources.
The head of the Centre of international relations of the RSL Kazantsev S.A. presented “The historical justification of the conception of the Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library “Meetings at the boundaries” within the framework of the interstate project “Eurasianism in the XXI century. Russia-Kazakhstan: the formation of the common informational space”.
The secretariat of the Integration committee of the Eurasian economic community prepared the draft-project of the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of librarianship of the members-states of the community. The given document is directed for the support, encouragement and perfection of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the libraries, the the proper organs of administration in the sphere of librarianship of the members-states of the EvrAzES. In accordance with the article 5 of the Agreement there is foreseen the cooperation of the members-states of the EvrAzES in the creation and development of the corporate technologies, library-informational computer networks. In this connection the creation of the united Russian-Kazakhstani electronic library is deemed to be extremely important.
The key theme of the seminar became regional studies. The main idea of the speech was in that the library-bibliographical, informational regional-study resources are the exclusive informational product and form the basis of cultural exchange.
By the general manager of the Project from Kazakhstan Berdigaliyeva R.A. there was created a group for the elaboration of the main working documents of the Project. There into it entered the representatives of the RSL Kazantsev S.A., Rozhkov N.L., Shvartsman M.E., from the NLRK Tasybaeyva S.A., Ismayilov E.I.., Sapargaliyev E.B., the Northern-Kazakhstani RUSL the engineer-rpgrammer Kisinov Yuri Petrovich.
The documents were presented to the participants of the seminar-council for discussion.
·The conception of the interstate project “Eurasianism in the XXI century. Russia – Kazakhstan: the formation of the common informational space”;
The plan of activities for the implementation of the interstate Russian-Kazakhstani project “Eurasianism in the XXI century. Russia- Kazakhstan: the formation of the common informational space”;
The technical-economic justification of the interstate project “Eurasianism in the XXI century. Russia- Kazakhstan: the formation of the common informational space”;
·The agreement on cooperation in the sphere of formation of the common informational space (the participants of the agreement – the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of culture, information and public concord of the Republic of Kazakhstan): A project.
·The participants of the seminar-council adopted the Resolution, by which there were approved the above-mentioned documents. The Resolution also gave the right to the Northern-Kazakhstani RUSL to be the first one from Kazakhstani side to begin an experiment for the use of the available and creation of new electronic data-bases, and also technologies integrating the informational resources, implement practically the documents created by the group of elaborators in the course of the seminar-council and unanimously approved by its participants.