Kel, balalar, okylyk! This calling of the outstanding Kazakh enlightener Ibrai Altynsarin is known to each Kazakhstani pupil. The writer, scientist-ethnographer, publicist, public figure, I. Altynsarin is one of the founders of the Kazakh written literature and literary language, the author of the first Kazakh textbooks.
One of the chief merits of his is the opening of the study establishments. Thanks to his perseverance, patriotism and humanistic convictions, I. Altynsarin achieved the creation of the four two-class Russian-Kirghiz, one handicraft, five volost special schools, and also the teacher’s school, thus laying the basics of the secular education in the Kazakh steppe.
As the public figure Ibrai Altynsarin led the active work in defence of the interests of the simple workers. In this connection of especial attention are his works about the transformation of the social-economic regime and the economic everyday life of the Kazakh village.
The Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy prepared the video-roll dedicated to the 180-th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin, the huge enlightenment contribution of whom will always be in the memory of the people.