Head of service:

Bekturbekova Fatima Kuralbekovna

e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

The main tasks:

- The organization of storage and use of the fond;

- The fullest possible satisfaction of the requests of the readers of the NLRK;

- The creation within the NLRK of the system of fonds of the literature that will provide its rational

placement, preservation and effective use;

The main functions:

- the issuance of literature to the appropriate structural subdivisions of the NLRK by the readers’ demands and also for the organization of different activities;

- the new acquisitions of literature to the main fond;

- the acceptance of literature after its use by the readers;

- the mutual account with all the structural subdivisions of the NLRK pertaining to the literature issuance;

- the provision of the long-term storage of the NLRK fond;

- the organization of work of the exchange-reserve fond;

- the retroconversion of the fond;

- the organization of works for the fonds’ unwinding.

The structure:

- the fond “Kazakhstan kitaptary”;

- the fond of periodical editions;

- the fond of the main storage;

- the fond of depositary storage;

- the exchange-reserve fond.