The head of the department:
Abenova Zhazira Amangeldievna
The contact telephone: +7-727-272-57-09, 272-16-03
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The information about the department:
The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been appointed by the Committee for the control in the sphere of education and science of the RK as the depositary of candidate and doctoral dissertations in all branches of science defended in Kazakhstan, i.e. it receives legal deposits. The dissertations are kept legally as manuscripts and they belong to the documents which are protected specially as representing the scientific heritage of Kazakhstan.
There in the fond the dissertations are presented in print form and on microfisches.
The department also receives the abstracts of theses of the dissertations of the Kazakhstani scientists and the scientists of the CIS countries (by agreement with MAGAT) in the pre-defence period.
The issuance of the dissertations to the readers is made on the basis of the request letter on the official letterhead of the establishment and signed by its head. There in the letter is to be indicated the theme of the scientific work.
In the department of theses have on-line access to virtual reading room theses of the Russian State Library.
On the basis of the Treaty of 25.01.2013 № 095/04/0049, between the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian State Library, under S.5 5.2 pm. 5.2.5. "The possibility of making copies of works or parts of them in digital and printed form, provided in accordance with this Agreement," that is not provided for the possibility of printing theses.
At the present time the Electronic library of dissertations of the Russian state library contains more than 760 000 fulls texts of dissertations and abstracts-of-theses in all the specialities defended in Russia and abroad.
The main functions:
- the formation of the fond of dissertations on the traditional and electronic carriers;
- the refernce-informational servicing of readers;
- the organization of the constant exhibition of new books and magazines on scientific-research works;
- the formation of the reference fond with the Bulletins of the Committee for the control in the sphere of education and science of the RK, the Higher attestation commission of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Collections of abstracts-of-theses of scientific-research works and experimental-constructor works of the National centre of scientific-technical information of the RK and the Federal state scientific university of the Russian Federation “The Centre of information technologies and systems of organs of executive power”;
- the conversion of the bibliographical catalogues of dissertations on microfiches into the electronic format;
- the maintenance of the alphabetical and service catalogue of dissertations in the Kazakh and Russian languages;
- the maintenance of “The new acquisitions” card-catalogue of abstracts of theses;
- the implementation of services by the Data-Bases and other resources (the provision of appratuses for reading microfisches, copying, print-out of texts of dissertations and abstracts of theses).