Алғыс фотоThere in the reading-hall after O.Zhandosov of the Service «Kazakhstan kitaptary» is organized the book exhibition «Algys – rizashylyktyn asyl kasiyety», dedicated to the Thanksgiving day.

The Thanksgiving day is the special holiday of the people of Kazakhstan which is celebrated annually on March 1 since 2016.

The purpose of the book exhibition is the upbringing of the growing generation in the feeling of tolerance, respect and amicability to each other and the propagation of the heroes-contemporaries of our country, and also the strengthening of the inter-national agreement in Kazakhstan.

The book exhibition consists of three parts. there in the first part of the exhibition «Kazirgy zaman kakharmandary» are the books, the periodical editions and photo-materials which reflect the heroic and proud deeds of our Kazakhstanis, the heroism of the medical workers of the country, compatriots who glorify Kazakhstan on the world arena.

The part «Togyskan tagdyrlar» acquaints the readers with the materials in the history and life of different ethnoses and peoples living on the territory of the republic. There are presented different books and articles on the pages of the periodical press from the fond of National library of the RK and the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city: «Friendship is the priceless heritage», «Kazakstan khalky Assambleyasy», «The special migrants of Kazakhstan», «From the history of deportations. Kazakhstan in 1930-1935», «From the history of deportations. Kazakhstan in 1935-1939» and others.

While celebrating the Thanksgiving day Kazakhstan seems to be as a hospitable and generous state which in the hard times accepted and preserved the lives for millions of migrants.

The Thanksgiving day for the citizens of our country acquires still more significance and becomes more important. The third part «Algysymdy aitamyn, Kazak eli!» is represented by the materials which express the acknowledgement to the Kazakh people who accepted on their land in the different periods of history the representatives of different nationalities: «The history and culture of the Koreans of Kazakhstan», «From the history of the Germans of Kazakhstan», «The Russians of Kazakhstan», «Almaty – man turatyn kala», «Menyn Kazakhstanym» and others.

We invite everybody to the book exhibition!