библ 1

Kazakhstan Republikasyn 2025 zhyly atalyp otiletin zhane eske alynatyn kunder tizbegi = Calendar of significant and memorable dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2025 / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan ; ed.: B.K. Ospanova, N.A. Iskalieva, B.Zh. Zhunisbekov ; comp.:B.S. Balgimbayeva, R.M. Abisheva. Balgimbayeva, R.M. Abisheva. – Almaty, 2024. – 222 p. – In Kazakh, Russian languages.

The National Bibliography Service of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been publishing annually, since 1966, the Calendar of «Significant and Memorable Dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan» ... in Kazakh and Russian languages.

The calendar includes anniversaries of national cultural events of the republic, individual institutions, organizations and prominent figures of science and art, anniversaries of Kazakhstanis – Halyk Kaharmany, Kazakstanyn Enbek Yeri, Heroes of the Soviet Union, holidays, professional holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The calendar is organized by month. The «List of figures and institutions, historical events, day and month of birth (date), which have not been established» is grouped separately. A brief reference and a list of references are attached to the anniversaries marked with an asterisk (*). The literature lists recommend mainly new literature, including books and articles from the republican press.

The selection of anniversary events does not pretend to be complete. According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 1999 № 1465 «On the celebration of anniversaries and memorable dates», «round dates» are selected.

An alphabetical index of the persons marked in the calendar is placed at the end of the publication.   

This calendar will assist employees of libraries, museums, archives and other institutions in holding mass events, organizing book exhibitions, replenishing local history files, carrying out bibliographic inquiries, etc.

The «Calendar of significant and memorable dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2025» can be purchased at the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



библ 2

Oraz Zhandosov (1899-1938): bibliographyalyk korsetkish = Oraz Zhandosov (1899-1938): bibliographic index / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; ed.: B.K. Ospanova, N.A. Iskalieva ; comp.: M.K. Abilova, A.A. Rakhimova. – Almaty, 2024. – 195 p. – On kaz., rus. languages.

The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared a bibliographic index «Oraz Zhandosov (1899-1938)» dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding statesman and public figure, People's Commissar of Education of the Kazakh SSR, the first director of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Oraz Zhandosov.

The index includes information about the life and work of O.K. Zhandosov, published in books, collections of documents and materials, periodicals in Kazakh and Russian, in the period from 1917 to April 2024.

The bibliographic index uses the book fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the database «Kazakhstan: past and present» and the reference and bibliographic apparatus, publications of the National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan: chronicles of the press, chronicles of articles and reviews, chronicles of newspaper and magazine articles.

The manual has auxiliary indexes: a nominal index and an index of source titles.

The bibliographic index is intended for researchers, writers, teachers, students of higher educational institutions and a wide range of readers.



библ 3

Saule Doszhan: bibliografiyalyk korsetkish = Saule Doszhan: bibliographic index / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan ; ed.: B.K. Ospanova, N.A. Iskalieva; comp.: M. Okap. – Almaty, 2024. – 117 p. – On kaz., rus. languages.

The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared a bibliographic index «Saule Doszhan» dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Doszhan Saule Magarbekovna, poet, writer, journalist, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, winner of international and republican literary competitions, member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan and laureate of the International Literary Award «Alash», knight of the Order of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Parasat».

This index includes a list of books, collections and articles in Kazakh and Russian languages published on the pages of periodicals in the period from 2004 to July 2024.

When compiling the bibliographic index, the book fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the database «Kazakhstan: past and Present», reference and bibliographic apparatus, publications of the National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan were used: chronicles of the press, chronicles of articles and reviews, chronicles of newspaper and magazine articles.

The manual has auxiliary indexes: a nominal index and an index of source titles.

The bibliographic index is intended for researchers, writers, teachers, students of higher educational institutions and a wide range of readers.



библ 4

Mukhamedzhanov Sydyk (1924-1991): usynystyk bibliografiyalyk korsetkish = Mukhamedzhanov Sydyk (1924-1991): recommendation bibliographic index / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; ed.: B.K. Ospanova, N.A. Iskalieva ; comp.: B.S. Balgymbaeva, R.M. Abisheva. – Almaty, 2024. – 107 p. – On kaz., rus. languages. – (The Art of Kazakhstan series).

The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared a recommendation bibliographic index of the bio-bibliographic series «Art of Kazakhstan» «Mukhamedzhanov Sydyk (1924-1991)» dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sydyk Mukhamedzhanov, composer, Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR, People's Artist of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, holder of the Orders of the USSR «October Revolution», «Friendship of Peoples», «Badge of Honor».

This index includes a list of books, collections and articles in Kazakh and Russian languages published on the pages of periodicals in the period from 1958 to May 2024.

The reference bibliographic index is intended for scientific and cultural workers, students and a wide range of readers interested in the life and work of the famous composer.




библ 5

Dandai Yskakuly : bibliografiyalyk korsetkish / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan ; ed.: B.K. Ospanova, N.A. Iskalieva ; comp.:M.K. Tashimbetova, M.M. Sagatbekova. – Almaty, 2024. – 207 p.

The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared a bibliographic index «Dandai Yskakuly» dedicated to the famous scientist, literary critic, Doctor of Philology, professor, academician of the Academy of Humanities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Academy of Ch. Aitmatov D. Yskakuly.

The bibliographic index includes books and articles in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages published in printed publications, collections and periodicals, as well as publications with his participation published in the period from 1967 to March 2024.

When compiling the bibliographic index, the book fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, databases «Kazakhstan past and present», «Abstracts», «Dissertations» and reference bibliographic apparatus, publications of the National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan were used: chronicles of the press, chronicles of articles and reviews, chronicles of newspaper and magazine articles, Internet resources.

The manual has auxiliary indexes: a nominal index and an index of source titles.

The bibliographic index is addressed to researchers, literary critics, researchers of the scientist's work, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of higher educational institutions and a wide range of readers.

When compiling the bibliographic index, the following were used: the book fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the database «Kazakhstan: past and Present», «Abstracts», «Dissertations» and reference bibliographic apparatus, publications of the National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan: chronicles of the press, chronicles of articles and reviews, chronicles of newspaper and magazine articles.

The manual has auxiliary indexes: a nominal index and an index of source titles. The bibliographic index is intended for literary critics, cultural workers, teachers, librarians, students and a wide range of readers.