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The event was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO in partnership with the TURKSOY Writers' Union and the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art.

The purpose of the conference is to study the factors of the development of national literatures through dialogue and the rapprochement of world cultures, the impact of these processes on the revival of the reading nation in the 21st century and to confront the real factors blocking this process around the world.

The participants of the conference were the director of the International Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO (Kazakhstan, Almaty), Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan, People's Writer, poet Suleimenov Olzhas Omarovich, Vice-President of the International Turkic Academy Kesikbayev Askhat Asylkhanovich, Honored Professor, Knight of the Order of Academic Palms of France, laureate of the Peace and Spiritual Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan, historian Albert Fischler (France, Fontainebleau), Doctor of Philology, People's Writer of Azerbaijan, Ambassador Akhundova Elmira, Chairman of the Committee of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage TURKSOY Kahraman Murat (Turkey, Ankara), Director of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty Pirich Amir, Director of the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Doctor of Philology, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Matyzhanov K.S., Chairman of the Union of Writers TURKSOY, poet Esdaulet U., as well as famous writers, poets, scientists, literary critics of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, France.

In his opening speech, Olzhas Suleimenov noted the importance of reviving reading for all peoples, shared memories of the National Hero of Kazakhstan Koshkarbayev Rakhymzhan, thanked him for participating in the conference, for his contribution to the promotion of books and reading.

In her welcoming speech, the director of the National Library B.K. Ospanova, emphasized that 80% of the library's readers are young people. She spoke about their diverse interest in reading, that young people read not only educational literature and various branches of knowledge, but also fiction.

About thirty reports were presented at the conference. All the speakers noted the influence of O. Suleimenov's work on the development of national literatures of different countries, his public activities. The speakers spoke about the importance of reviving the reading nation, the importance of family reading, raised the problems of the current state of reading in their countries, and suggested ways to solve them.

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