The hall of informational resources of oil and gas opened in November, 2003 with the sponsor help of “Chevron” Company and is designed for the servicing of specialists of the oil-gas industry and readers interested in this field.
The fond of the hall is represented by new publications in oil and gas: books, periodical editions, information on CD-ROMs.
By the initiative and with the support of “Chevron” Company there were acquired books in the Russian and English languages by the topical theme “Steady development”.
The Hall provides users with the access to the Internet resources in the sphere of oil and gas industry, the full-text English-lingual EBSCOHost data-base.
There was created the own data-base numbering approximately 11 thousand bibliographical records of documents in oil and gas field from the newspapers and magazines at the republican, regional, city and district level.
There was organized cooperation with the Regional ecological centre for Central Asia which kindly provides the fond of the hall with the materials on ecology.
The Hall provides:
- Open access to printed editions, CD, DVD, VHS, Internet services;
- Computers for independent use of standard programmes;
- Scanning of printed and other documents;
- Recording information on to CD-RW, USB Flash Drive
- The electronic documents delivery services
There in the Hall are presented the books in the Russian and English languages by the topical theme “Steady development” acquired by the initiative and with the support of “Chevron” Company.