07.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan has opened a test access to EBSCO's electronic resources. The test access will last until December 31, 2024.
The following EBSCО databases are available:
- • «MasterFile Premier» is a full–text database created specifically for public libraries, containing the full texts of articles from more than 1,500 general journals, including popular ones, for the period from 1917 to the present. The subject matter of the publications covers a wide range of subject areas, including business, healthcare, education, natural and technical sciences, etc. MasterFILE Premier also contains the full texts of reference publications, primary source documents (for example, speeches, letters, memoranda and others) and a collection of images numbering more than 2 million. photographs, maps and flags, as well as publications of various types: popular science magazines, e-books, reports, reports, newspapers, biographies, legislative acts, encyclopedias, etc.
- • «Energy and Power Sourc» is a complete, easy-to-use online information resource focused on meeting the information needs of specialists in the field of energy and electrical engineering at all levels. The collection covers all areas of the industry, with special attention paid to such areas as: electric power, natural gas, oil and coal industry, nuclear energy, renewable and alternative energy sources.
This resource provides professionals at all levels with the most important up-to-date information from American and European sources, including in such areas as distribution, extraction, processing and transportation of energy resources, including scientific and applied aspects.
The test access will last until December 31, 2024 at the link
Username (Логин): nationallibrary
Password (Пароль): Database2024!