
Parts of the page “Meetings at the boundaries”

About the project

·         The Russian-Kazakhstani mega-project

·         UNESCO about the project

·         The conception of the CIS about the project

The electronic library

Project participants

The list of libraries-participants of the project 

Project documents

·         Conception of the project

·         Agreement

·         Protocol on joining

·         Resolutions, recommendations

Activities of the project

·         “Eurasianism – integration of cultures and library resources”

The venue: Uralsk city, the Western-Kazakhstani Regional Universal Scientific Library after Zh.Moldagaliyev

The time of the event: June 25-27, 2002                        

·        “Eurasianism in the XXI-st century. East-West: Electronic cooperation of libraries”

The venue: Petropavlovsk city, the Northern-Kazakhstani Regional Universal Scientific Library after S.Mukanov

The time of the event: December 6-7, 2002                                 

·         “The days of the UNESCO Programme “Information for all” in Kuzbass

The venue: Kemerovo city, the Russian Federation

The time of the event: December 17-19, 2003                          

·         “Kazakhstan-Russia: dialogue of cultures”

The venue: Almaty city, the National library of the RK

The time of the event: December 22-23, 2006                          

·         “The Russian-Kazakhstani project “Meetings at the boundaries”: The electronic library – international partnership”

The venue: Kostanai city, the Kostanai Regional Universal Scientific Library after L.N.Tolstoy

The time of the event: October 30-31, 2008                           
