The Service «Kazakstan kitaptary»
- The Service “Kazakstan kitaptary” consists of two reading halls:
- The reading-hall “Kazakstan kitaptary”;
-The hall for scientific workers after U.M.Sultangazin.
There in the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” is presented the topical literature about Kazakhstan in all branches of science in the Kazakh and Russian languages. There for the services of the readers is opened access to the branch literature and fiction literature of Kazakhstan, the series of books, published within the framework of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme, the materials of the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city and the reference editions. In 2016 there were opened the memorial cabinets of the well-known writers: the people’s writer of Kazakhstan A.Nurshayikhov and the well-known Kazakhstani writer G.K.Belger. There in the reading hall are regularly held the thematic exhibitions and the exhibitions of new acquisitions.
The Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city presents the permanently functioning in open access the exhibition of literature from the fonds of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the materials of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city. The fond of the Depositary presents the history, the inter-ethnical relations, the culture, traditions, rites and customs and art of the people, fiction, the ethnoses of Kazakhstan in print. The collection reflects the history and modern life of the peoples of different nationalities living on the territory of Kazakhstan, the materials disclosing the processes of deportation, their settlement, the development of the spiritual culture , traditions and rites, art, and also the works of the researchers in the sphere of the inter-ethnical and inter-confessional relations. Also there are presented the novels, short stories and other works of the well-known Kazakhstani writers such as G.Belger, I.Shukhov, I.Shchegolikhin, V.Vladimirov and others.
The memorial cabinet is created with the purpose of popularization of the creative heritage of the well-known Kazakhstani writers and the prominent figures of culture who made a considerable contribution into the development of culture and science of Kazakhstan. The main activity of the cabinets is the implementation of the complex of the library-informational works for the popularization of the name and creative activity of the prominent Kazakhstani figure in society, with the placement in open access of the fond of literature, albums, photographs, his private collections and exhibits.
There in the Hall of scientific workers after U.M.Sultangazin are created the comfortable conditions for work of the scientists engaged in science and the scientific-technical activity. The works of the scientist U.Sultangazin, the materials about his scientific activity and the photographs with the prominent personalities are placed upon the shelvings in open access. Also the hall provides the library-informational servicing for the readers. There for the services of the readers is open access to the reference literature, the editions of the “Cultural heritage” state programme, the full-text scientific Data-Bases, the Internet, Xerox, access to the electronic catalogue of the library and the Electronic library of the dissertations of the Russian State Library.
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From 2016 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the reading hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” are opened the memorial cabinets of the People’s writer of Kazakhstan Azilkhan Nurshayikhov and the well-known Kazakhstani writer Gerold Karlovich Belger. The purpose of the opening of the memorial cabinets is the popularization of the creative heritage of the well-known People’s Kazakhstani writers and prominent figures of culture who made a considerable contribution into the development of culture and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the heightening of its prestige on the world level. The main activity of the cabinets is the implementation of the complex of library-informational works for the popularization of the name and creative activity of the prominent Kazakhstani figure in society, with the placement in open access of the fond of literature, albums, photographs, his private collections and exhibits.
There within the framework of the work of the memorial cabinets are organized the thematic book exhibitions, excursions, creative evenings, there are held competitions, readings out loud etc.
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The Centre for studying the Latin alphabet
There at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” is created the Centre for the studying of the Latin alphabet. The Centre renders the informational-consultative assistance during the whole period of transference of the Kazakh language from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet, carries out the activities directed at the acquaintance and wide-spreading of the Latin alphabet, jointly carry out the courses for the studying of the Latin alphabet with the attraction of the scientists-linguists, organize the cultural-mass activities for the propagation and advancement of the new alphabet, the book exhibitions etc.
The studies are carried out in accordance with the schedule with the use of the modern informational and Internet-technologies.
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