Еңбек адамы

In the reading room named after Oraz Zhandosov of the «Kazakhstan Kitaptary» Service, a book exhibition «Enbek Adamy - el tiregi» was organized, dedicated to the «Year of Working Professions» in 2025 in Kazakhstan.

2025 has been declared the Year of Working Professions in Kazakhstan, which underlines the importance of specialists in key sectors of the economy. As part of this initiative, it is planned to reform the system of technical and vocational education to increase its effectiveness and meet modern requirements. The Year of Working Professions is also aimed at promoting the values of hard work and professionalism in society, emphasizing the importance of honest and hard work, which should be in the first place in our society. It is thanks to the specialists in their field that a new quality of our nation is being formed.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize knowledge about working professions, help in choosing a professional path and develop interest in work, self-realization and self-development through literature. The exhibition aims to show the diversity of professions, their importance to society and inspire readers to achieve career achievements.

The book exhibition consists of three sections. The first section of «Enbekti korgau zannamalary» consists of regulatory legal acts and codes, legal documents on labor protection: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law on Labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.

The second section «Mamandyk – omir tandauy» presents materials telling about various working specialties: J.S. Kasymova «Mamandykka kirispe»; D. Sarsenbayev, S. Aubakirova «Tokarlyk is»; T.G. Dudar, R.V. Voloshin, Yu.I.Osik «Logistics»; B. Turisbekov, S. Turisbekov «Kasipky car mechanic»; «Eginshilik»; V. Khmelenko «Turning»; E. Trotsenko «Automechanik» and others.

The third section «Bilim men enbek synergiyasy» offers to get acquainted with the literature on vocational education in Kazakhstan, opportunities for obtaining working specialties and employment: K.K.Boribekov «Vocational education in Kazakhstan: experience and prospects»; «A.Kozybai, N.Zheksenbieva «Kasiptik bilim beru zhuyesindegi kazirgi okytu technologiyalary»; «Architectural and construction education of Kazakhstan: development and prospects»; H.Suerbayev «Fundamentals of oil and gas business»; M.M. Bekmagambetov «Automobile transport of Kazakhstan: stages of formation and development»; B.A. Unaspekov, M.A. Adilbekov «Zhylutechnics»; S.S. Asanov «Electrical technology»; K.I. Kabylshaev «Kazakhstan temirzhol koliginin kalyptasuy zhane damuy»; J. Shatayakova «Machinery and equipment of gas and oil pipelines» and others.

Over 400 books are on display at the exhibition. The exhibition will be active throughout the year and will be regularly updated with new materials.

 We invite you to the book exhibition!