In the O. Zhandosov reading room of the Kazakhstan Kitaptary Service, as part of the Republican campaign «One Country, one Book», a book exhibition «Eki gumyr, bir adebi alem» was organized, dedicated to two outstanding personalities of Kazakh literature – Taken Alimkulov and Zhumeken Nazhedenov.
The Republican campaign «One Country, one action» has been held in Kazakhstan since 2007. Every year, numerous events and book exhibitions are organized in all libraries of the country, where information about the campaign, selected authors and their books is provided, and the works of famous writers of Kazakhstan are presented to readers.
The purpose of the campaign is to promote Kazakh literature, increase public interest in reading books, create opportunities for studying Kazakhstan's literary heritage, promote the intellectual and spiritual development of the younger generation and strengthen respect for their native language.
The exhibition consists of three sections. The first section «Taken Alimkulov: Kazak prozasyn dara tulgasy» is dedicated to the Kazakh writer and public figure, whose work has left a significant mark in modern literature. The exhibition presents works in which he reveals the themes of human destiny and complex relationships in society.: «Bizdin Kulash», «Akboz at», «Zhemisti Zholda», «Zhumbak Zhan», «Seitek saryny», «Tulparlar tagdyry», «Musical soul», «White Horse», «The whole life ahead», «Gray Hawk», «About the past and present» and others.
The second section of the exhibition «Kazakh poesiyasyndagi Jumeken Nazhimedenovtin akyndyk uni» is dedicated to the Kazakh poet and playwright, whose work had a great influence on the development of Kazakh literature. He is one of the authors of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted in 2006. In 2010, Zhumeken Najvedenov was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the collection of poems and poems «My Kazakhstan». His works cover a wide range of topics, including philosophical reflections on life, history, and issues of national identity. The exhibition presents books that reflect the richness of his poetry: «Menin Kazakstanym», «Zhangyryk», «Kishkentai», «Ak shagyl», «Ashyk aspan», «Balausa», «Zharyk pen zhylu», «Zheti boyau», «Kuy kitaby», «Dank pen dert» and others .
The third section «Talantty tulgalardyn adebi murasy» presents memoirs about two famous Kazakh writers – Taken Alimkulov and Zhumeken Nazhvedenov. This section contains the memoirs of those who knew these authors personally, who witnessed their work, as well as literary critics who studied their work: A. Duisebekov «Taken Alimkulov - synshy, adebietshi», N. Moldabekov «Taken Alimkulovtyn angimeleri men hikayattarynn til yerekshelikteri», G. Bektas « Taken Alimkulovtyn moldir alemi», M.A. Azbanbayev «Zhumeken Nazhimedenov», S. Gulban «Zhumeken tilinin halyktyk kasieti», K. Zhusip «Zhumeken Nazimedenovtin gumyrnamasy» and others.
Over 350 books are on display at the exhibition. The exhibition will be active throughout the year and will be regularly updated with new materials.
We invite you to the book exhibition!