On March 6, 2019, the Chinese Culture and Literature Hall is hosting a book exhibit with the theme "Beijing Opera".                          


Peking opera is one of the most famous forms of traditional Chinese opera both in China and in the world. It emerged at the end of the eighteenth century and was fully developed by the middle of the nineteenth century.  It is the largest genre of opera in China and ranks first in terms of abundance of repertoire, number of actors, companies and audiences. 

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On March 6, 2019, the World Literature Hall organized a book exhibition devoted to the 90th anniversary of the Russian prose writer, journalist, poet and screenwriter, public figure - Iskander Fazil Abdulovich.

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He was born on March 6, 1929 in Sukhumi. He graduated from a Russian school in Abkhazia with a gold medal. He entered the Moscow Library Institute, now the Moscow University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI).

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In the reading room of periodicals of the National Library of Kazakhstan organized a permanent exhibition "Egemen Kazakhstan: gasyrdan gasyrga" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of socio-political newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan".


The sociopolitical newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan" is one of the oldest and most popular publications of the country. The first issue of the newspaper called "Ushkyn" ("Spark") was published in Orenburg in 1919.

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On February 28, 2019, the China Culture and Literature Hall organized a book exhibit on "The Terracotta Army of China".


The Terracotta Army is the accepted name for the burial of 8100 full-size terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses at the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang in Xi'an.

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On February 27, 2019 the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a traveling book exhibition "Halyk dostygy - el birliginin kepili. Friendship of Peoples - the key to the unity of the country" in the Republican House of Friendship in Almaty as part of the round table on "Belarus in the creativity and destiny".

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The book exhibition from the collection of the National Library of Kazakhstan presented more than 60 publications, revealing the history and contemporary life, culture, traditions, customs and art of the Belarusian people, artworks of Kazakhstani writer Lyubov Shashkova, Belarusian writer Vasil Bykov, articles in magazines known local historian, literary critic and journalist of Belarus Alexander Karlyukevich.

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On February 27, 2019 in the hall named after N. Dauletova. The presentation of the 11-volume collection of Malik Gabdullin's works and the book-album of memories "Malik Gabdullin - Kazaktyn Okzhetpesi" was held in order to popularize the ethno-pedagogical and literary heritage of Malik Gabdullin and implementation of the Yelbasy "Rukhani Zhangyru" program.

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On February 22, 2019 in the hall named after N. Dauletova held an evening in memory of the poet, playwright, literary critic, people's writer of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdildy Tazhibayev.

The event was opened by the director of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan J. Seidumanov.

Abdilda Tazhibayev was born in 1909 in Akmechet (now Kyzylorda). He was brought up in an orphanage for orphans. He studied in a seven-year school in Shymkent city.

Graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi), higher literary courses at the Literary Institute named after M.Gorky.


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On February 21, 2019 at 11.00 a.m. the information hour on the themes "Chinese New Year - Spring Festival", "Education in China" was held in the Hall of Culture and Literature of China.

About omens, horoscopes and peculiarities of Chinese New Year celebrations, the student of the 4th year of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, Meirambay Zhannat, told in detail.

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