
11 June 2018 at the National library of Kazakhstan held a working meeting on preparation and holding of the all-Kazakhstan Congress of librarians, "LIBRARY – AS a multi-functional, multi-level, socio-cultural institution of SOCIETY", which will be held on 13-14 September in Almaty.  
In this event took part: Vice-President for library work and innovation of the Republican scientific-technical library (Republican science) I. V. Solovyova, Director of the Scientific library RSE "Gylym ordasy" MES Kairakbai K. E., head of the scientific-teaching unit of the Republican scientific-pedagogical library of the MES RK Emirova A. B., Director of the Center for patent and information Republican science Mukanova A. M., Advisor to the Director of the Republican library for the blind and visually impaired citizens Baizakova K. I., Director, Centralized library system (TSBS) g. Almaty Kabieva R. K., Methodist of the Central Bank Kuptsova O. I., Deputy Director for library work of the National library of Kazakhstan Ospanova B. K. and head of Scientific and methodical service Makhanbetova G. A.
The meeting was conducted by the Deputy Director on scientific work of the National library of the RK A. Kh. Yusupova
The participants got acquainted with the concept, preliminary program of the Congress and discussed many organizational issues for the Congress.