Kazakhstan kitaphanalary - 2016 years. Mletter. Sandar: Aparaty-sarapduli Gina / R Ulttyk kytapkhanasy; RT.: L. B. Blahnikova, G. G. Iskakova, A. N. Shulembaeva; hoopty ed: G. A. Mahanbetova.- Almaty, 2017.-71 b.: keste.
The analytical collection is based on the reports of the libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the electronic database "Libraries of Kazakhstan: facts and figures" for 2016, presented on the website (www.nlrk.kz) National library of Kazakhstan.
The publication is a collection of statistical and analytical materials on the state and development of library science in the regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The appendices provide comparative tables of the main indicators of the state public libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2016.
The collection is addressed to library workers, researchers, students of universities and colleges.