Stapana y: Zan Zhane normative-ity ackler inay = Library law: a collection of laws and normative-legal acts. / KR Ulttyk kitaphanasy; kurast. G. A. Mahanbetova; ed K. K. Ostaeva. - Almaty, 2015. - 15-Shig. 284 b. - Kazakh, orys tilinde.
In the 15th edition selected legislative and regulatory acts adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2014 on culture and library Affairs. The collection contains decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The collection is intended for specialists of libraries of all systems and departments, as well as for teachers of library faculties of universities and colleges.
Kutuphanesi anytmore. 1 bolim / KR Ulttyk kitaphanasy; G. A. Mahanbetova, G. T. Rakhimzhanova, A. K. Bagarova; zhauap. ed.: K. K. Koshtaeva. – Almaty, 2015. – 178 b.
The first edition of the librarian's Handbook includes sections: types of libraries, organization of the book Fund and processing, reference and bibliographic services, digitization of documents and ways of creating an electronic library.
The reference book is intended for specialists of libraries of all systems and departments, teachers and students of higher and secondary special educational institutions in library science.
Kazakhstan kitaphanalary - 2014 years. Mletter. Sandar / KR Ulttyk kitaphanasy; kurast.: G. T. Awanebi, G. A. Mahanbetova, G. T. Rakhimzhanova; ed K. K. Ostaeva. - Almaty, 2015. - 65 b: keste.
The analytical collection is based on the reports of the libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the electronic database "Libraries of Kazakhstan: facts and figures" for 2014. presented on the website ( National library of Kazakhstan.
The publication is a collection of statistical and analytical materials on the state and development of library science in the regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The appendices are comparative tables of the main indicators of the state public libraries of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2014.
The collection is addressed to library workers, researchers, students of universities and colleges.