On September 10, there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the activity dedicated to the giving of the name of the outstanding scientist, the founder of the juridical science and the higher juridical education of Kazakhstan Salyk Zimanov to the Dissertation hall and to the centenary of his birth.
The moderator of the activity was the dean of the juridical faculty of the Kazakh National university after Al-Farabi, doctor of science (law), professor Baideldinov Daulet Laiykovich, the word of greeting was made by director of National library of the RK Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kaiyrbekovna.
There in the activity spoke: the head of the Administrator of courts of Almaty city Erzhan Kairullayevich Kozhakhmetov, director of the Department of culture of Almaty city Daniyar Abzalidenovich Aliyevm doctor of science (law), professor Salakhiden Nursariyevich Sabikenov, doctor of science (law), professor, academician of the NAS of the RK Maidan Kuntuaroviah Suleimenov, doctor of science (history), professor Iliyas Manashevich Kozybayev, the daughter of Salyk Zimanov Gulzhamal Salykovna Zimanova and others. In their speeches they shared their recollections about Salyk Zimanov and expressed their warm wishes.
There within the framework of the activity in the Dissertation hall of National library of the RK were organized the information stand named “Salyk Zimanov – the Mohican of juridical science” dedicated to S.Zimanov and the book exhibition “The Prominent lawyer, Teacher, Figure” from the fond of the library in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
There in the holiday activity participated the veterans and the leading lawyers, legal workers of Kazakhstan, representatives from the akimat of Almaty city, teachers from the universities and colleges, the relations and friends of S.Zimanov and also mass-media representatives.