
There in the reading hall after Oraz Zhandosov is organized the book exhibition “Batyr – tagdyr, gylymi - gumyr” dedicated to the 105-th birthday of the well-know Kazakh writer, public figure, Hero of the Soviet Union Malik Gabdullin.

Malik Gabdullin was born on November 15, 1915 in the village of Koisalgan of the Kokshetau region. In 1935 he graduated from the Kazakh pedagogical institute after Abai. In 1935-1937 he was summoned to the army.

M.Gabdullin began his creative activity in 1932-1937 as a literary worker of the newspaper “Socialdy Kazakstan”, deputy chief editor of “Kazakstan pionery”, in 1938 – scientific worker of the Institute of language and literature of the Kazakhstani affiliate of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, in 1938-1946 – the post-graduate student of the Kazakh pedagogical institute after Abai.

M.Gabdullin in 1941-1945 was the participant of the Great Patriotic war, he fought in the ranks of the 8-th Guard division under the command of major-general I.V. Panfilov. There by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 30, 1943 for the exemplary execution of the military tasks and the commandment at the front of fighting with the German-fascist aggressors, for the valiance and heroism shown there to the Guards’ senior politruk M.Gabdullin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the handing over of the Order of Lenin and the medal “The golden star”.

After the finishing of the war M.Gabdullin is engaged in scientific-pedagogical activity. In 1946-1951 – director of the Institute of language and literature of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR, in 1951-1963 – rector of the Kazakh state pedagogical institute after Abai, in 1963-1973 – head of department of the Institute of literature and art after M.O. Auezov of the AS of the KazSSR.

The main theme of the works of M.Gabdullin are the feat and the heroism of the soldiers, the feeling of comradeship, the selfless love to the Motherland and hatred to the enemies: “My friends at the front” (1947), ”The golden star” (1948), ”The front essays” (1949), ”The routine days of the war” (1968), ”About the friends and comrades” (1969) and others. Part of the works of the writer is translated into the Russian language by the well-known Kazakhstani writer I.P.Shchigolikhin.

M.Gabdullin worked a lot also in the sphere of scientific researches, he participated in the preparation of editions of the multi-volume history of the Kazakh literature: the heroic epos, the folk songs, the aityses, the fairy-tales, proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh people.                   

For the military feats M.Gabdullin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1943), he is awarded with the orders of Lenin, Red Banner, Patriotic war of the 1-st degree, of the Red Banner, the Labour Red Banner and with multiple medals. He is the honored figure of science of the Kaz.SSR (1961). The winner of the prize after Ch.Ualikhanov (1972). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2-nd and 4-th convocations. After his name are named the Kazakhstani schools, streets. In Kokshetau city there is created the museum of M.Gabdullin.  

M.Gabdullin died on January 2, 1973 in Almaty city.

There at the book exhibition “Batyr – tagdyr, gylymi - gumyr” are presented the materials from the fond of National library of the RK about the life and activity of the writer, his works, the recollections of the relations and friends.

We invite everybody to the book exhibition!


Кітап шоу - 2024