On October 13 Director of National library of the RK, chairperson of the Kazakhstani Library Union B.K. Ospanova, Deputy director of National library of the RK for informational technologies and innovations Iskaliyeva N.A., head of the scientific-methodological service Makhanbetova G.A. visited the Museum of Malik Gabdullin of the Department of culture, archives and documentation of the Akmolinskaya region within the framework of the II-nd Republican parade of arts “Salem, Elorda!”
The director of the museum Ibrayev Talgat Kayirkenovich presented as a gift to Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kayirbekovna the book-album “Malik Gabdullin – the Pride of the Great Steppe”.
Also today director of National library of the RK Ospanova B.K. and the head of the scientific-methodological service Makhanbetova G.A. visited the Akmolinskoe regional television and gave the interview in the programme, dedicated to the II-nd Republican parade of arts “Salem, Elorda!”