эмблема А. Байтурсынов

There in the reading hall after O. Zhandosov within the framework of the republican action in 2022 “One country – one book” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 150-th birthday of Akhmet Baitursynov and his literary creative activity.

There in Kazakhstan the republican action “One country – one book” is carried out from   2007.

The purpose of the action is the propagation of domestic literature, the preservation of the historical-cultural and spiritual heritage, the moral-patriotic upbringing of the youth, the careful attitude towards the native language.

Every year within the framework of the republican action “One country – one book” in all the libraries of the country are organized the multiple activities, book exhibitions where there is given information about the action, the selected authors and their books, and also for the attention of the readers are given the works of the outstanding writers of Kazakhstan.

In 2022 the 150-th birthday of Akhmet Baitursynov is included into the Calendar of memorable dates of the UNESCO. Akhmet Baitursynov (1872-1937) – is the Kazakh poet, state figure, scientist-literary critic, pedagogue, translator, enlightener, publicist, reformer of the national written literature, the founder of the Kazakh linguistics and literary studies, member of the party “Alash-Orda”.

He began his creative activity from writing the verses in which he reflected the dreams, the needs of the working people. The poet called the public to reading, education, spiritual development, morality, culture. The works of Akhmet Baitursynov are widely propagated among the readers of the libraries. The heritage of the poet is part of the world culture, and it must be accessible to the whole mankind.

There at the book exhibition “One country – one book” from the fond of National library of the RK are presented the materials about the life and creative activity, the works of Akhmet Baitursynov, written in different years: “Ak zhol” (1991), “Til taglymy” (1992), “Zhoktau” (1993), “Zhan sozimdy kim tyusiner” (1994), “Zhana nizam” (1996), “Kyryk mysal” (2001), “Masa” (2005), “Bes tomdyk shygarmalar zhinagy” (2002), “Shygarmalary” (2013).

            We invite everybody to the book exhibition!