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On may 25 Deputy director of National library of the RK N.A. Iskaliyeva participated in the online format in the presentation of the books, dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of the scientific and public activity of the doctor of science in law, professor, honorary lawyer of the RK Udartsev Sergei Feodorovich.

The organizer of the activity is the Kazakh humanitarian juridical university after Narikbayev.

N.A. Iskaliyeva on behalf of director of National library of the RK B.K. Ospanova and of herself congratulated Sergei Feodorovich with the jubilee date and greeted the participants of the activity.

N.A. Iskaliyeva presented the bio-bibliographical index named “Sergei Feodorovich Udartsev”, prepared by the Service of national bibliography. The index contains 761 bibliographical records, includes the articles published in the intra-book and periodical editions, publications and books in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.

The chronological embrace of the reflected editions – from the year of 1971 up to January, 2022.

There in the bio-bibliographical index the main attention is given to the works, which became fundamental in the theory and history of law and the state, the constitutional law, history of legal and political thought.

The index is compiled on the basis of the book fond of National library and the data-basis: “Kazakhstan: the past and the present” in the three languages”, “The abstracts of theses”, “The dissertations” and “Kazakstan kitaptary”. Also there into the index are included the bibliographical records from the data-bases of the Central scientific library “Gylym Ordasy”, the National academic library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (in Nur-Sultan city), the Russian state library, from the Internet-resources bof the leading world libraries, mass-media, from the site of the Kazakh humanitarian juridical university after S. Narikbayev.

There at the presentation the head of the Central scientific library of the Republican state enterprise “Gylym ordasy” S. Sh. Isakanova told the audience about the bio-bibliographical indewx dedicated to S.F. Udartsev, published by them within the framework of the series named “The bio-bibliography of scientists of Kazakhstan”.

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