On August 17 there in the format of the work of the hall of the Literary academy at National library of the RK took place the next lesson of the course “The basics of financial literacy” for children aged from 10 to 13.
The given course was elaborated by the holding “Freedom Finance” with the support of the Agency for the regulation and development of financial market. “Freedom Finance Camp” is the charge-free study children’s camp. The purpose of the work of the camp is to simply and accessibly tell children what money is, how to treat it, earn it and spend cleverly.
There at the given lesson the children presented their homeworks. After that there continued the studies about the meanings and kinds of income, the work by hiring, who the freelancers and entrepreneurs are, about the actives and passives, about the planning and distribution of the budget and many other things. The course of the studies is carried out by Dosniyazova Umit Kuanyshbekovna – the mentor of the course “The basics of financial literacy”. The children participated very actively, they asked and answered the questions, compiled and calculated the budget.