287703907 5070080059756077 8959906537661738263 n

On the 17th of June 2022 in the hall named by N. Dauletova there was a regular meeting of the PEN club.

Speaking guests are: Smagul Yelubay, Dulat Isabekov, Sultanali Balgabaev, Zhusupbek Korgasbek, Adolf Arshitsevsky and others.

During the event, journalist, writer Zhusupbek Korgasbek was awarded a gold medal and a prize named after Mukhtar Auezov. "The event was attended by journalist and writer Zhusupbek Korgasbek, who was awarded a gold medal and the prize named after Mukhtar Auezov, writer Amangeldy Kenshilikuly. "Magzhan Zhumabayev", writer, poet Farkhat Tamendarov was awarded the gold medal of PEN club and the prize. Kali Sarsenbai, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Ana Tili", was awarded the gold medal after "Magzhan Zhumabayev". "Magzhan Zhumabaev", the writer, playwright Mikhail Zemskov and writer Yuri Serebryansky were awarded gold medals of PEN club.

 287256090 5070080106422739 1141510558839067605 n    287813098 5070079759756107 5655241345472531363 n  
287813714 5070079926422757 3501360997855707879 n
 288116894 5070079859756097 4307744328198925498 n    288253947 5070080133089403 8913081574247128823 n    288467404 5070080066422743 3302102885150974260 n


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