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On the 3rd of June in a large hall of National library of RK took place a creative evening "New wave of Olzhas", devoted to birthday of the known poet, writer, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan Olzhas Suleimenov.

The event began with a video from the life of Olzhas Suleimenov.

The evening was moderated by a Kazakhstani director of animated films, producer and scriptwriter, Advisor to the Chairman of the State Center of National Cinema Support, Aday Abeldinov.

Olzhas Suleimenov spoke about a historical figure of the Kazakh people, one of the leaders of the liberation uprising of the Kazakhs, poet Mahambet Utemisov, and read a poem dedicated to the hero.

A film critic Gulnar Oyratovna Abikeeva made a congratulatory speech at the ceremony and presented Olzhas Suleimenov her author's book.

Also, there was a demonstration of the feature film "Makhambet", produced by Olzhas Suleimenov.

The event included an exhibition of articles and publications from the collections of the National Library of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the life and work of Olzhas Suleimenov.

The participants: figures of culture and public figures, poets and writers, friends and colleagues, relatives and friends of O. Suleimenov, teachers and students of universities and library readers.

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