
On the 20th of May in the hall named after N. Dauletova held a Republican forum of creative youth "Supporting young talents - a guarantee of national cohesion" in offline and online formats.

The Forum was held in the framework of the implementation of the President of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev's Message to the people of Kazakhstan of March 16, 2022 "New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization. There was a reasoned exchange of opinions, interesting proposals and discussion.

The purpose of the forum is to support and promote young talents who glorify our country at the world and national competitions. Familiarization of young people with the latest trends related to the Message of the Head of State.

The event was conducted by a poet, holder of the Presidential Award and Order "Kurmet", the head of the Almaty branch of Kazakh radio and radio "Shalkar" Bakhyt Zhagyparuly.

The speakers at the event were: three-time world champion in martial arts without rules Nazarov Ardak Kuttikozhaevich; deputy of the Maslikhat of Almaty region, founder, head coach of "Sagadat Batyr" sports club named after S.K. Nurmagambetov Orynbasarov Nursultan Zhumabayuly; children's writer, literary critic, scientist-Alashologist Toktarbai Yeldos Nusupuly; young specialist of the National Library of the RK Sharkhan Muhamed-Kanapia Sharkhanuly and others.

Also a worker of the National Library of Kazakhstan Ormanbekov Tanzharyk performed the terme "Kazagym" at the Forum.

Participants: Maslikhat deputies of Almaty region, famous personalities, poets and writers, young librarians and artists, mass media representatives, masters of sports and winners of world competitions.

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