On February 27, 2019 in the hall named after N. Dauletova. The presentation of the 11-volume collection of Malik Gabdullin's works and the book-album of memories "Malik Gabdullin - Kazaktyn Okzhetpesi" was held in order to popularize the ethno-pedagogical and literary heritage of Malik Gabdullin and implementation of the Yelbasy "Rukhani Zhangyru" program.

Malik Gabdullin was born on November 15, 1915 in the village of Koyzagul, Zerenda district, Kokshetav region. He graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay in 1935. After graduation, Malik Gabdullin was in the military service (1935-1937). Then he worked as a literary worker in the newspaper "Socialistik Kazakhstan" (1937), deputy editor of the newspaper "Kazakhstan Pioneer" (1938), researcher at the Institute of Language and Literature of KazFAS USSR (1938), in 1938-1946 he was a graduate student at KazPI named after Abay. In 1941-1945 he participated in the Great Patriotic War as a member of Panfilov Guards Division.

The whole conscious life of Malik Gabdullin, a glorious son of the Kazakh people, a hero, a scientist, a teacher, a writer and a public figure, passed in the city of Almaty. During his relatively short life he left behind an indelible mark, a huge number of wise statements, notes, studies, which are an invaluable heritage for the people. His works, created in the name of educating the future generation, are now the heritage of our country.

The event was moderated by journalist, writer, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Ualikhan Kalizhan.

The event was attended by Bigeldi Gabdullin, Kudaiberdi Myrzabek, Vyacheslav Tetinev, Serik Kirabaev, Sarbas Aktaev, Takir Balykbaev, Maria Kenjeakhmetovna, Maidan Malikovna and teachers of KazNPU named after Abay, who worked for many years with the Hero of the Soviet Union; pupils who attended lectures by the academician in their time and others.

Кітап шоу - 2024