Head of the service:
Makhanbetova Gulmira Ablaykhanovna
Contact telephone: +7-727-267-28-73, +7-727-272-48-81
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The main trends:
The studying of the modern state of librarianship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its prognostication;
• Assistance to the perfection of the normative-legal basis of the activity of the libraries of the republic;
• The organization and carrying out of fundamental applied researches on the topical issues of librarianship and on the history of the National library of the RK;
• Rendering scientific-methodological assistance to the libraries of the republic and the subdivisions of the National library of the RK on the issues of organization of library-study researches and the solution of topical problems in library activity;
• Participation in the organization of the system of qualification upgrading of the cadres of the National library of the RK and the libraries of the RK;
• Library servicing in the hall of Library Study.
The main tasks:
The maintenance of the automated informational-search data-base named “The libraries of Kazakhstan: facts and numbers”, situated at the site of the library http://www.nlrk.kz/ and the preparation of the informational review on the statistical data of the mass libraries of Kazakhstan of the system of the Ministry of culture and sport;
• The preparation of draft projects of legislative, normative-legal acts of the RK, interstate and state standards of librarianship in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• The elaboration of methodological recommendations, manuals on separate library issues, the provision of the libraries of the republic with scientific information on the problems of library study;
• The organization, carrying out and participation in the republican scientific-practical conferences, seminars, panels on different trends of library activity and the methodological assistance in the inculcation of innovations;
• The provision of selective wide-spreading of information on librarianship among the structural subdivisions of National library of the RK in the electronic regime;
• The organization of interaction with the centres of methodological work, the Library Association of the RK, the libraries of the far and near foreign countries and also with other public organizations and associations;
• The summarization of the work experience of the libraries of the republic, the studying of the theory and the inculcation of world experience in librarianship of the foreign libraries, preparation of publications by the main trends of activity of the department;
• The organization of the work of the Scientific and Scientific-Methodological councils;
• The organization of the work of the hall of Library Study.
The structure:
• The group of prognostication and development of librarianship and organization of scientific-research work;
• The hall of library study/
The guide on the libraries of Kazakhstan
The normative-legal documents, regulating the activity of the libraries