There in the Hall of world literature within the framework of the announced activity declared by the Organization of the Turkic states is the exhibition “The year 2023 – the Year of development of the Turkic civilization” is organized the book exhibition “The unity of the Turkic world”.
The Organization of the Turkic states is the international organization for the multilateral cooperation between the Turkic peoples which was created in 1992 as the Council of cooperation of the Turkic-lingual states. On October 3, 2009 it was renamed into the Turkic council, after that it received the new name “The organization of Turkic states” in 2021. The members of the Organization are the five countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, the observers – Hungary and Turkmenistan.
In November, 2022 there at the Summit of the Organization of the Turkic states it was announced that “The year 2023 - the Year of development of the Turkic civilization”.
The Turkic civilization. The main significance of the Turkic epoch was in that the Turkic tribes and their unions left the ineffaceable trace in the history of mankind. They gave the world civilization the original nomadic culture. The Turkic tribes who combined the nomadic way of life with the settled way of life, imbibed into themselves the results of the economic-cultural achievements of the two continents. For our history of key importance were the three large all-Turkic epochs: the epoch of the Hunnuempire, the epoch of the ancient Turks (the Turkic kaganats) and the Golden Horde (the DzhuchiUlus).
The modern Kazakhs are the descendants of the ancient Saks, Huns and Turks who from the times immemorial shook the Universe with the rattling of the hooves of their horses.
This is the truth confirmed by the monuments of the ancient times, by the writings which are preserved upon the silver bowl from the Issyk kurgan, by the runic writings of the epoch of the Turkish kaganat from the valleys of Orkhon, Enisei and Talas. The epoch of the Golden Horde was of the key importance in the history of the Kazakh people. It was namely in that period that there formed the single ethnic-genetical community later named as “the Kazakhs”. There in this empire peacefully lived all the peoples which inhabit modern Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the book exhibition is the popularization of the idea of singleness, equality and brotherhood of the Turkic world. There upon the exhibition “The unity of the Turkic world” are presented the materials and editions from the fond of the National library of the RK on the history of the Turks and the evolution of the Turkic civilization.
The exhibition consists of the three divisions. There in the first part of the exhibition “The history of the Turkic civilization” is disclosed the birth of the civilization connected with the ethno-genesis of the Turkic world, which was researched by L.N. Gumilev in the works named “The ancient Turks”, by R. Rakhmanaliyev in “The empire of the Turks” and “The history of the great civilization”, by M. Adji in “The history of the Turks” and others.
There in the part “The cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples” is presented the complex of the scientific humanitarian disciplines which study the languages, literature, folklore, ethnography of the Turkic and Turkic-lingual peoples in the past and the present. These are the books: S. Malova “The monuments of the ancient-Turkic written literature”, V.Bartold “The Turks”, O. Suleimenov “The Turks in the pre-history”, B.Ovchinnikova “The Turkic ancient things of Sayano-Altai in the VI-X cc.”, the materials of the International Turkic academy and many other editions in Turkology.
The part ”The modern world and the Turkic-lingual states” discloses the current political, economic, cultural-humanitarian trends of cooperation of the Turkic countries and their development. Here are presented the official documents, the materials of the international organizations: the Organization of Turkic states, the International organization of Turkic culture (TURKSOI), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic states, the International Turkic academy, the International foundation of Turkic culture and heritage (the IFTCH) and others. There at the exhibition out of the fond of National library of the RK is presented the literature in the English, Kazakh, Russian, Turkish languages.
We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!