On April 23, 2024, at 11.00 a.m. in the R.Berdigalieva Hall of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the annual book festival «Kitapshоu-2024» dedicated to the World Book and Copyright Day, a presentation of the popular science book «Kazakhstani Meteorites» by Ildar Khalitov was held.
The book «Kazakhstan Meteorites» fascinatingly tells the stories of meteorite finds and the importance of such finds for science. Separate chapters are devoted to meteorite craters, asteroids and comets. The author of the book is a Kazakhstani entrepreneur, a collector of meteorites, specializing in meteorites from Kazakhstan.
More than 200 pictures and illustrations are included in the book. The meeting was attended by the literary editor of the book, Yuri Serebryansky, a Kazakh author of Polish origin, a cultural critic.
The host of the event is Askhat Uskembayev, founder of the School of Creative Courage.
The meeting was held in an interactive form -questions were asked and memorable gifts were given for the correct answers.
Participants:students, high school students and teachers, college professors.