The system of interlibrary loan and documents delivery of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States
The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan executes the function of the national center of Interlibrary loan and documents delivery.
There by the Decision of the Economic council of the Commowealth of Independent States on March 11, 2005 (Moscow city) was adopted the Statute on the system of interlibrary loan and documents’ delivery of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which was created on the basis of the Agreement on the free access and the way of exchange of open scientific-technical information of the states-participants of the CIS dated September 11, 1998 and the Agreement on the creation of the system of interlibrary loan of the states-participants of the CIS dated January 13, 1999. The Agreement on ILL and DD is created for the purpose of obstacle-free provision and access to documents kept in the libraries’ fonds and the organs of information of the states that enter the Agreement on ILL and DD, in the interests of development of their scientific, technical and cultural potential.
The traditional servicing in ILL at the National library of the RK is absent from 1999 up to date due to the lack of financing of postal sendings.
By the Electronic documents’ delivery the orders are accepted via the module at the site of the library and by electronic mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The orders are fulfilled on pay-basis. The ways of payment for ELL: with the libraries of the CIS countries – conclusion of agreements, with physical persons – bank transfer.