There by the Decree of the President of Ukraine the year 2014 is announced the year of Taras SHEVCHENKO.
The National parliamentary library of Ukraine for the purpose of popularization of the creative heritage of the Great Ukraine writer and artist, initiated  the project for the purpose of creation of the National electronic resource “Shevchenkiana”, within the framework of which there will function the electronic library “Your Shevchenko”.

   The structure of the given resource consists of the electronic collections:
   - “The works of T.G.Shevchenko”
   - “The documents about the life and creative activity of T.G.Shevchenko”
   - “The places connected with the life, creative activity and name of T.G.Shevchenko”
   - “The documents, letters, recollections about Shevchenko”
   - “The images and themes of the creative activity of Shevchenko”
   - “The articles”

   A considerable period in the life of T.G.Shevchenko is connected with Kazakh land: the traditions and rites of the Kazakh people are picturesquely described in his artistic works and reflected in the paintings. The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Agreement on cooperation with the National parliamentary library of Ukraine provided the digitized materials from its fond for the placement upon the electronic resource “Shevchenkiana”.

In more detail …

The National library of the RK continues the work for the search of the materials and replenishment of the electronic library “Your Shevchenko”.