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The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides open and remote access to DELNET databases. DELNET is anеnglish–language database combining electronic resources of libraries.


DELNET provides access to:

  • Cambridge dictionaries online
  • Online digital library of dissertations
  • ODLIS: Online dictionary of librarianship and computer science
  • GISTNIC databases
  • MEDLINE and other NLM databases
  • US Patents: full text
  • Full-text medical journals
  • Open access journals
  • Electronic journals
  • Full-text medical books
  • Full-text electronic journals on engineering and technology
  • Training resources for LIS specialists
  • Digital libraries of the world

Web address: http: //

Consolidated catalog of books

DELNET maintains a combined online catalog of books available in our library. This catalog is constantly updated and increasing in volume. Information can be found by author, title, topic, conference, series, etc. The catalog contains 37,620,425 bibliographic entries.

Consolidated catalog of periodicals

DELNET has created consolidated lists of current periodicals in the field of science and technology, social sciences and humanities. Currently, 109,236 periodicals are listed in it, and it is regularly updated, new titles are added annually.

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